Juniper Mist AI Networks (MIST)


Course Overview

This four-day course is designed to provide students with the knowledge required to work with enterprise wireless technologies and Mist AI-driven Wi-Fi networks. Students will gain in-depth knowledge of Wi-Fi technologies, Mist technologies, and how to use and configure them. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience with the features and functionality of Mist AI-driven Wi-Fi.

Кому следует посетить

This course benefits individuals responsible for working with enterprise wireless networks and applying artificial intelligence to their activities.

Предварительные требования

The following are the prerequisites for this course:

  • Basic TCP/IP skills
  • Basic knowledge of wireless (Wi-Fi) technologies is recommended.

Цели курса

After successfully completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe WLAN association and roaming.
  • Explain the wireless LAN life cycle.
  • Explain and configure Mist architecture.
  • Describe a wireless enterprise network.
  • Explain the purpose of Mist and key differentiators.
  • Describe wireless fundamentals.
  • Describe the basic features Mist.
  • Describe how to add new organizations and sites.
  • Navigate the Mist portal.
  • Describe the Mist AP deployment model.
  • Provide an overview of the Mist onboarding workflow.
  • Implement RF and configuration templates.
  • Configure wireless access policies.
  • Describe the EX Series switch deployment model.
  • Describe the workflow for onboarding an EX Series switch to a Wired Assurance deployment.
  • Describe labels and their use with Mist.
  • Use Mist intelligent analytics and Marvis.
  • Describe Real Time Location Sensor (RTLS) concepts and methods.
  • Describe Mist automation and scripting.
  • Instantiate a standalone NGFW site using CSO and SRX Series devices.
  • Describe Service Level Experience and its place in wireless networks.
  • Describe the client location service and use cases.
  • Describe the components of an enterprise WLAN.
  • Configure an enterprise grade WLAN.
  • Describe a sitemap, site survey, and their critical components.
  • Describe the subscriptions available for Mist.
  • Describe the monitoring features.
  • Generate reports.

Цены & Delivery methods

Classroom training

4 дня

  • Украина: US$ 4 000,–

Даты и регистрация

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