Elasticsearch Engineering (ELEN)


Описание курса

This course is designed for both new Elasticsearch users and Elasticsearch professionals. It begins with the basics for getting started with the Elastic Stack, then quickly dives deep into topics ranging from optimizing search performance to building efficient clusters. You will learn about various ways to ingest and process data, how to write complex search requests and work with their responses, strategies for scaling your clusters up or down, managing indices in large clusters and multiple clusters, general cluster management and troubleshooting recommendations. After completing this course, you will be well on your way to becoming an Elastic Engineer.

Кому следует посетить

Software Developers, Software Engineers, Data Architects, System Administrators, DevOps

Предварительные требования

No prior knowledge of the Elastic Stack is required

Цены & Delivery methods

Classroom training

3 дня

  • on request
Online training

3 дня

  • on request

Даты и регистрация

Для регистрации на курс нажмите на название города или пометку "Online Training"


Online training Time zone: Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) Язык курса: pусский гарантирован!
Instructor-led Online Training:   This is an Instructor-Led Online course